I liked how this shell drawing turned out. It was fun trying to figure out the ink and how to make it work with the shell drawing. With this drawing I ended up starting over three times. The first just wasn’t working and the second one I was drawing the spirals wrong so they didn’t look like it was receding in space. So the three one I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong and how to fix it. I also was able to get a good diagonal and better placement on the page. When we got into groups to give each other feed back on our shell drawing, they gave me some good things to work on to improve my drawing.
One of the main things that were discussed in my group was that my shell drawing seemed a little too mathematical. As in that the lines seemed to precise and in need of change in contour line as it goes around. Even though my shell is pretty round it still could use some line variation in the actual lines going around. They also said that it had good depth, volume and nice plane changes as it went back in space. Another thing that I could improve on is having lighter lines in the back and creating more detail in the front to create more focus and life. The way I did the highlights was confusing with some of the shadows I had incorporated in to the drawing. For my next drawing I plan to use a stronger light source or pay closer attention to where the light is coming from. With the light source I did was able to keep that area whiter and became the spot were you looked at first in my drawing. In the cavity of my shell I could be darker so the surrounding parts would pop more. Also discussed in my group was that I could use a more wider range of lights and darks with the inks. When looking at other peoples drawing I noticed that many were done in different styles ands different way of going about this assignment.
I love how this shell turned out! great dedication to making a great shell.